
Monday May 24, 2021
Ep. 47 - Retrain Actions: Spiritual Restoration. James 5:19-20
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Retrain Actions! ❤️ Spiritual Restoration
We need one another! We fight battles together and not in isolation.
James 5:19-20
Pastor Matt ~ Lead Pastor

Monday May 17, 2021
Ep. 46 - Retrain Actions: Prayer & Healing! James 5:13-18
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Retrain Actions! ❤️ Prayer & Healing, Leadership through Prayer.
How do we FIGHT together in our suffering, our sickness, our sin and even when things are going great?
James 5:13-18
Pastor Bill ~ Family Pastor

Monday May 10, 2021
Ep. 45 - Refocus the Heart: How do we FIGHT? James 5:7-12
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Refocus the Heart. ❤️ Perseverance, Patience and Plain Talk
How do we FIGHT?
1. We fight for each other, not against each other!
2. We fight against Evil!
3. We must fight differently!
James 5:7-12
Pastor Matt ~ Lead Pastor

Monday May 03, 2021
Ep. 44 - Refocus the Heart: Everything is in God's hands. James 5:1-6
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Refocus the Heart. ❤️ Everything is in God's hands. It's not the amount of influence, power or money that determines how good or bad you are; it's what you do with that influence, power or money.
James 5:1-6
Pastor Matt ~ Lead Pastor

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Ep. 43 - What are you doing with your life? James4:13-17
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
What are you doing with your life? The Will of God and the Plan of Man. What happens when your life is driven by something other than God's will? 📌 Every portion of wisdom, every good thing, and every breath comes from God, what you do with it matters.
James 4:13-17
Pastor Matt ~ Lead Pastor

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Repatterning The Mind - Parenting: Older Children/Adults To be successful in parenting, we need the Lord in our lives. Parents need to be intentional when it comes to parenting because it is a heart issue we are dealing with. Rules without relationships equals rebellions. Rules with relationships equals rewards.
📌 Making Disciples With Your Adult Children.
📌 How Do We Honor And Respect Our Parents?
Deuteronomy 4:9
Pastor Glen ~ Associate Pastor

Monday Apr 12, 2021
Ep. 41 - Repatterning The Mind - Parenting: Foundations, Mark 12:28-34
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Repatterning The Mind - Parenting: Foundations
As a PARENT, you are the greatest Disciple maker in your home. God has entrusted parents with His children. His children first and your children second.
📌 Your greatest contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.
📌 They will walk in your shoes; make sure they are pointed in the right direction.
Mark 12:28-34
Pastor Bill ~ Family Pastor

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Ep. 40 - Discipleship and Envisioning Glory
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
We are answering questions from our listeners and talking about Envisioning Glory!

Monday Apr 05, 2021
Ep. 39 - Man's Method For Defeat Was God's Victory! Romans 1:1-4
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
The way to heaven is through the Cross?
Jesus endured the cross for US.
Easter Worship Service 04.04.21
Romans 1:1-4
Pastor Matt ~ Lead Pastor

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Ep. 38 - Discipleship and Turning from Sin
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Let's talk about turning from sin and helping those who are struggling with sin to do the same. Join Pastor Matt, Pastor Glen, and Pastor Bill. Let us know if we can answer any of your questions.